Kuan Yin
By Susan Rodgers
You sit upon a pedestal of jade
milk green, your light flows liquid from within
pulsing prayer through rivulets of stone.
And so, you are a contradiction, made
hard jade, yet soft like sacred love, Kuan Yin.
You guide me even now. Through you I own
my stiff resistance to God’s grace. Afraid
to melt, I keep my edges hard and in
my heart I keep your love, for me alone.
Your right eye holds a tear forever laid
in stone; it holds me too. I drink you in,
search for your source of peace, the deep calm known
and shared by you. Within the jade, Kuan Yin
it’s here. I remember now— compassion
“The poem Kuan Yin is dedicated to Keishu Okada, the daughter of Kotama Okada. It is also dedicated to Amrtianandamayi. It was inspired by a jade figurine of Kuan Yin at the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, California.”