Free Downloads
A Study Book for Reflection and Action.
By Elizabeth Ferrero & Joe Holland
Preface by Thomas Berry, Forward by Richard Clugston
Postmodern Ecological Spirituality,
2023 eBook Edition
Catholic-Christian Hope for
the Dawn of a Postmodern Ecological Civilization Rising from Within the Spiritual Dark Night of Modern Industrial Civilization
By Joe Holland
Faith for the Earth: A Call for Action
A collection of essential essays on the reverence that religions have for creation and nature. These writings inspire us to view our planet as one with our faith or spirituality, to share knowledge and commitments to care for it, and to become part of the global interfaith movement that brings people together to protect and sustain life on Earth.
A publication of the UN Environmental Programme and the Parliament of the World’s Religions
Other Books
Books related to spirituality and sustainability written by SSGN members and published by Pacem In Terris Press
India’s Spiritual Vision of the Origin, Journey,
& Destination of Earth’s Environment * Humanity
Thomas Pliske, 2019
Historical Critique of Policies, Structures, & Governance
of the International Monetary Fund & the World Bank, with Case Studies
Mark Wolff, 2018
Practical Reflections on Vedic Wisdom & Heart-Centered Meditation
in Seeking a Spiritual Basis for Nature, Science, Evolution, & Ourselves
Thomas Pliske, 2017
Postmodern Ecological Spirituality, 2017 Paperback Edition
Catholic-Christian Hope for
the Dawn of a Postmodern Ecological Civilization Rising from within the Spiritual Dark Night of
Modern Industrial Civilization
Joe Holland, 2017
Reflections on Spirituality & Sustainability
Elisabeth M. Ferrero, Editor, 2016
A Catholic Green Revolution Developing
Rural Ecovillages, Urban Houses of Hospitality,
& Eco-Universities for a New Civilization
Joe Holland, 2015
Reading the Signs of the Times
with Buddhists, Christians, & Muslims
John Raymaker, Gerald Grudzen,
& Joe Holland, 2013
“When Time is Short: Finding Our Way in the Anthropocene”
A meditation for what may be a finite human future, that asks how we got here and helps us to imagine a different relationship to the natural world.
Timothy Beal Ph.D., 2023