Season of Creation 2024

Become a Lead Agent! 

The theme of the 2024 global, ecumenical SEASON OF CREATION is “ To Hope and Act with Creation” (Rom. 8:19-25).  Often, we do not relate to Earth as a gift from our Creator, but as a resource to use. “ Creation groans,” which in the biblical context means to cry out. We hope to work for a new way of living in the midst of our ecological crisis.

We would be so pleased if you and your friends or family would consider forming a SoC Team or joining our at-large team!

"The future belongs to those who give the next generation a reason to hope..."


To implement Laudato Si ( in conjunction with the global effort to celebrate the Season of Creation (, start a Season of Creation group as a lead agent! 


Rooted in the same baptism as the earliest followers of Jesus, we will plant 3 mustard seeds:

1. PRAYER: Allows us to love what God loves, God loves God’s Creation, including humans!


2. PROCESS: Love’s first act is to listen. We will listen to each other and voices from online resources toward actions that each participant can propose.


3. FRAMEWORK: Each participant will join a SSGN Season of Creation Team (SCT) consisting of 10-12 members (inter-generational, if possible) to optimize the sharing experience.



Here's how to get involved: 

1. No later than July 15, consider becoming a lead agent yourself and try to solicit other lead agents. Lead agents gather their own facilitators, who energize their SSGN Season of Creation Team (SCT).


2. By August 15th, reply to this email with the names of lead agents and their emails.


3. On September 1st and subsequent Mondays during the Season of Creation, we will email lead agents a resource that they may or may not choose to use. Each SCT charts its own course.


Click here for more information about the Season of Creation groups!