Assisi Conferences2023 Assisi ConferenceProgram Brochure Background & GoalsPresenters Presentations Trauma-Informed Living in the 21st CenturyToward a Rebirth of Keltic-Catholic Eco-Spiritual Christianity Ethics within and for the AnthropoceneSpirituality and EconomicsAboriginal Australia: Steps Towards ReconciliationSpirituality & Sustainability Through the 12 Steps of AAEducation for Sustainable DevelopmentConference RecordingsHerman Greene JD, Earth Law CenterColin Gilbert, Economy of FrancescoJoe Holland PhD, SSGNPhotosProgram Notes (Draft)Recommended Reading2018 Assisi ConferenceProgram ReportParticipant Sharing BookletPhotos2017 Assisi ConferenceProgram BrochureParticipant Sharing Booklet Report-ReflectionConference Notes (Draft)