As a diverse spiritual network, we aspire to contribute with creative learning to the process of transforming our consciousness and by cosmologically reimagining society and co-creating integral communities and thereby helping to heal the Earth. 



A group of participants from the 2017 and 2018 Spirituality & Sustainability Conferences held in Assisi, Italy created the Spirituality & Sustainability Global Network in order to formally establish a network for ongoing communications and action.

The conferences were the initiatives of and organized by Dr. Elizabetta Maria Fererro, professor of religion, St. Thomas University in Miami and Dr. Rick Clugston, co-founder of the Earth Charter International.

The conferences were convened in the medieval home of Saint Francis, patron saint of ecology and St. Clare with special focus on the ecological vision of the late Fr. Thomas Berry, who taught that evolution is a mystical unfolding of cosmic co – creativity wherein all creatures reveal the loving Creator’s presence.

in 2017 and 2018, two more Spirituality & Sustainability conferences were convened in Assisi. Part of those Assisi conferences included time in Rome with Cardinal Peter Turkson and his staff to discuss how we might support Pope Francis’ encyclical letter on ecology, Laudato Si’. 

In 2019 a number of participants, inspired by these conferences, formed this network to help connect and support the work of past participants and work with leaders of other ethical or eco-spiritual networks about how we may humbly cooperate as ethical and eco-spiritual partners, joining together other “points of light”.

THE FOLLOWING SOURCES of eco – spiritual wisdom have inspired our global network:

  1. Laudato Si’ – On Care for our Common HomeWe draw on Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical letter addressed to our human family on the global integral – ecological crisis. It explains how we are now entering what Pope Paul VI in 1970 warned could be an “ecological catastrophe under the effective explosion of Industrial Civilization.”

  2. Thomas Berry’s mystical – cosmic vision — We draw on all Thomas’ writings including “The Dream of the Earth”, “The Universe Story” (with co – author Brian Swimme), “The Sacred Universe” (with co – author Mary Evelyn Tucker) and especially “The Great Work: Our Way into the Future”. It analyzes the root causes of the ecological breakdown of Modern Industrial Civilization and summons us to create a new “Ecozoic Era” to save the life-system of our garden – planet Earth.

  3. The Earth CharterWe draw on this visionary document, which was created by people from around the world. It provides ecological – social values and principles to guide human education as to governance for a sustainable, just, peaceful, and democratic future.

  4. Indigenous Traditions — While humbly seeking inspiration from all ethical and eco- spiritual wisdom traditions of our human family, we especially seek to learn from indigenous traditions. We seek to join in their celebration of the Creator’s deeply spiritual gifts of our majestic Cosmos, of our garden-planet Earth, and of all Earth’s beautiful creatures.